Our network of retailers is here to help you learn about GraniteCrete. Use this page to find a retailer near you.



Our network of retailers is here to help you learn about GraniteCrete. Use this page to find a retailer near you.

GraniteCrete Retailers

Use the search tool to locate GraniteCrete installers in your area. You can change the radius of the distance as well as the number of results displayed.

Enter your city or zip code into “Your Location.” The results will load to the left of the map as a list that can be scrolled.

***The map is currently under construction and will be updated as soon as possible. In the meantime, please contact us at: info@granitecrete.com for information on the nearest retailer.  Thank you!***

Pre-Mix Facilities: Retailer locations that are listed below as a “Pre-mix Facility” offer both the DRY pre-mixing of the decomposed granite and the GraniteCrete admixture and delivery to the jobsite. The pre-mixed material will arrive DRY and will need water added for proper installation of GraniteCrete. We recommend using pre-mixing for jobs requiring 5 cubic yards of material or more; this will save time in the installation process.  A pre-mix facility is designated by an asterisk (*) next to its name.

      Don’t see a retailer in your area? Contact us. We’ll help you find a solution.

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