Why Choose GraniteCrete?

GraniteCrete for You


ADA Compliant and Permeable

  • ​​​​Exceeds ADA compliance
  • ​​Firm, stable, and slip resistant
  • ​​Smooth enough for ambulatory devices, yet slip resistant
  • ​​Meets coefficient of friction standards
  • ​​Permeability reduces standing water
GraniteCrete Permeable Pathway Carmel
This pathway blends seamlessly with the surrounding landscape.
GraniteCrete permeable paving pathway alongside the blue whale skeleton at UC Santa Cruz.

Superior to competitive products

Offers multiple looks and finishes 

  • GraniteCrete can be finished with a variety of different techniques to achieve a desired look (smooth, brushed, coarse)
  • GraniteCrete can be installed with a firm or loose surface finish
  • GraniteCrete can be incorporated beautifully with traditional landscaping materials
  • Natural resistance to weed infestation makes it an ideal choice for placement between flagstones or stepping stones
GraniteCrete Pathway Carmel Scenic Road
Beautiful GraniteCrete pathway along the beach.
Monterey Permeable Patio GraniteCrete

Let us answer your questions and inspire your project.

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