Wyandotte Park

Wyandotte Park in Mountain View

Located in the Rengstorff area of Mountain View, Wyandotte Park is nestled in a tiny lot between industrial business and homes.  Taking up 0.9 acres, the park provides neighboring residents with a much-needed open space and play area. Areas at Wyandotte Park that have been paved with GraniteCrete.
The city of Mountain View has an admirable goal to devote three acres of property per 1,000 residents to public park and recreational facilities; Wyandotte Park helps the city accomplish this.


Despite its size, the park is packed with a variety of components to satisfy visitors of all ages. It features play structures and fitness equipment, an open lawn, benches, public art, and even a giant abacus with rock beads.

Tying it all together is an overarching nature theme that includes “floating” rocks on metal poles, a leaf-shaped balance board, and landscaping boulders. Throughout the park, there are areas of decomposed granite stabilized with GraniteCrete. As a natural-looking and environmentally-friendly product, GraniteCrete was the perfect paving choice for this green space.


The abacus in Wyandotte Park, on top of GraniteCrete. Photo by Olivia Treynor.

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