Save time, labor, and effort—while improving the finished product! That’s what the new installation method—we call it Dry Installation—does for installers of GraniteCrete. Introduced last summer, it has been met with rave reviews from installers, creating easier and even more beautiful installations of our permanent, permeable and natural paving material.
These photos show a GraniteCrete installation in-progress (left) and finished (right) that was completed using pre-mixed material from SBI Materials.
Photos courtesy of Joe Verdu and JLP Landscape Contracting, Inc.
Dry Installation mixes the decomposed granite and GraniteCrete admixture prior to installation. Installers can pre-mix at the job site, or—to save even more time, labor and effort—it can be pre-mixed at one of our pre-mix facilities before delivery to the jobsite. We recommend that jobs requiring 5 cubic yards of material or more should get the material pre-mixed, as this will shorten the installation process.
What Installers Say About Pre-Mixing
“For a recent installation, GraniteCrete arrived pre-mixed with decomposed granite at my installation site. What a game-changer! Installation went quickly and smoothly – way better than on-site mixing. I highly recommend pre-mixed GraniteCrete and decomposed granite for ease of installation.”
-J.R. Lester, Owner of Town & Country Gardening and Landscaping
Finding a Pre-Mix Facility
Wondering how to find which retailer locations offer this service? It’s easy! Retailer locations offering this service are listed on our retailer locations page as a “Pre-mix Facility.” New pre-mix locations are added promptly to our website, so be sure to check back regularly!
Interested in using a pre-mix facility for your next project? Contact our Senior Account Manager Dave Ventura via phone at (408) 858-9635 or via e-mail at